多导睡眠图(睡眠医学)- A.A.S. 学位


Qualified applicants are expected to meet all admission criteria as well as essential 功能. Students requesting reasonable 住宿 to meet these criteria must inform the 项目负责人 in writing of the need for 住宿 at the time 入学. The student is expected to contact the ADA counselor in the new ESC (Enrollment Services Center) to file the appropriate forms documenting the need for 住宿.


代表活动/属性 例子


  • 在受限空间内活动
  • 坐着保持平衡
  • 站立并保持平衡
  • 手伸到肩膀以上
  • 到达腰部以下
Function in an ICU environment: move about in an ICU room in order to perform procedures 在病人身上. Must also read patient chart, equipment settings, and/or equipment 显示. 坐下来记录调查结果. Change equipment settings above head and below waist, plug electrical appliance into wall outlets.


  • 用手捡东西
  • 用手抓住小物件
  • 用钢笔或铅笔写字
  • 键/类型
  • Pinch/pick or otherwise work with fingers
  • Twist
  • 用手指挤压
将药瓶举到眼睛前阅读. 将药瓶挤压至空. 挤压 巴拉德吸管按钮. Grasp hold and read small instruments such as volume 测量装置. 填写病历. 在病历中记录患者数据. 改变设置 on equipment by turning knob and observing change.


  • 长时间站在原地
  • 坚持重复动作
  • Maintain physical tolerance for 8 or 12 hour periods
  • Ability to perform activities day, afternoon, evening and night.
Stand and perform repetitive procedure(s) on patients such as Chest 物理 Therapy 和心肺复苏. Repeat this procedure periodically throughout an 8-hour shift. 


  • 推拉25磅
  • 支撑25磅
  • 举起25磅
  • 携带设备和用品
  • 运用上身力量
  • 用手挤

协助病人从床上到椅子上. 把病人从床上扶起来. 把病人从担架上移开 上床再回来. Carry medications, pulse oximeter, stethoscope or other equipment 到病房. Push ventilator or other heavy equipment from respiratory care department 到病房.

Move other equipment such as Pulse Oximeter, IPPB or IPV machine. 将设备从 bed height to shelf height above chest level.



  • Twist
  • Bend
  • 弯腰或蹲
  • 迅速行动
  • Climb
  • Walk
Turn to change settings on monitor while standing at patient bedside. 屈服于改变 equipment settings on floor, at knee level, waist level, chest level, eye level, above head. Gather equipment and manually resuscitate patient without delay. 使快速 adjustments if needed to ensure patient safety. Make way 到病房 if an emergency 叫做使用楼梯.


  • 听到正常说话水平的声音
  • 听到微弱的声音
  • 听到微弱的身体声音
  • Hear in situation when not able to see lips
  • 听到听觉警报

Listen to patient breath sounds to determine if patient is breathing. 倾听内心 sounds to determine if heart is beating.

Determine the intensity and quality of patient breath sounds in order to help determine 诊断. Hear audible alarms such as a ventilator alarm. 将开销页面设置为 呼叫紧急援助.


  • 看清20英寸以内的物体
  • 看到20英尺外的物体
  • 使用深度感知
  • 使用周边视觉
  • 区分颜色
  • 区分颜色强度
Read patient chart to determine correct therapy. 目视评估病人的颜色 评估缺氧情况. Read settings on monitors and other equipment. 视觉评估 的变化. Confirm settings visually such as with ventilator display.


  • 感到震动
  • 检测温度
  • Feel differences in surface characteristics
  • 感受大小、形状的不同
  • 检测环境温度
Assess patient by feeling for patient pulse, temperature, tactile fremetis, edema, 皮下气肿.



  • 检测病人身上的气味
  • 闻到烟味
  • 探测气体或有害气味
Assess for noxious odors originating from the patient or environment (example gas 泄漏或冒烟). 
  • Read and understand written documents 
Read and interpret physician orders, physician, therapist and nurses notes. 读取 计算机显示器屏幕. Gather data reasonably accurate, and in a reasonable amount of time to ensure safe and effective patient care relative to other care givers.
  • Read and understand columns of writing
  • 可读数字显示器
  • 阅读图形打印输出
  • 校准设备
  • Convert numbers to and/or from the Metric System
  • 读图
  • 告诉时间
  • 测量时间
  • 计数率
  • 使用测量工具
  • 读取测量标记
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide whole numbers
  • 计算分数
  • 使用计算器
  • 在记录中写入数字
Read and interpret patient graphics charts and graphic 显示. 进行基本算术运算 功能 in order to calculate minute ventilation, convert temperature, correctly place graduated tubing, and other 功能. 


  • Establish appropriate emotional boundaries
  • 为他人提供情感支持
  • 适应不断变化的环境/压力
  • 处理突发事件
  • 专注于任务
  • 监控自己的情绪
  • Perform multiple responsibilities concurrently
  • 处理强烈的情绪

Provide for safe patient care despite a rapidly changing and intensely emotional environment. Perform multiple tasks concurrently, example: delivery of medication or oxygen in one room while performing an arterial blood gas in another such as in an emergency 房间环境.

Maintain enough composure to provide for safe and effective patient care despite crisis 情况下.


  • Transfer knowledge from one situation to another
  • 处理信息
  • 评估结果
  • 解决问题
  • 优先级的任务
  • 使用长期记忆
  • 使用短期记忆
Evaluate different sources of diagnostic information to help arrive at a patient diagnosis. Evaluate priorities in order to provide for the most appropriate care. 适当地 evaluate data in order to notify physician and nursing when necessary.


  • 确定因果关系
  • 为他人计划/控制活动
  • 综合知识和技能
  • 序列信息
Evaluate different sources of diagnostic information to help arrive at a patient diagnosis 和治疗. Evaluate data in order to formulate an appropriate action plan.


  • 协商人际冲突
  • Respect differences in patients, fellow students, and members of the healthcare team.
  • Establish rapport with patients, fellow students, and members of the healthcare team.
Communicate effectively with disagreeable patients, family doctors, and nurses and other staff in order to attempt to meet therapeutic goals for the patient.


  • 解释程序
  • 口头报告
  • 与他人互动
  • 在电话中交谈
  • 影响人们
  • 通过写作传递信息
Communicate effectively and appropriately with doctors, nurses, patients, family, and other staff in order to provide for most effective and efficient patient care. 


大学 & 职业生涯路径

多导睡眠描记术 (Sleep Medicine) is part of our Health Career Pathway. 点击方框 below to see other Health programs that may interest you.
